Monday, February 11, 2008

Chapter 7 response

I just got home from school and we got our drive way paved. My mom cam home and she told us we couldn't walk on the pavement because it was still wet. Then we had to take our dogs out from the front of our house by the road. When we walked past the pavement we got to the back of my house and we were going to put our dogs in our back yard. They bolted and dragged my sister and when that happened my black dog Storm ran first and Saber followed him. They ran acroos the road, but saber got hit by a truck. When we say my brother cole ran across the street and then i followed. When my dad got home two minutes llater we got water bottles and toke saber and put him in the van. When we got to my dad's shop saber was dead.
When he died I was so sad it is hard to explain my feelings when it happened.
When Geralds aunt died you can tell the feelings that you have for them. When you lose somthing you know that you want to get somthing to replace that.


Ms. Strout said...

This is such a tough story, mister. You poor thing! Reading this really broke my heart. You are right: it can be really hard to explain your feelings in the face of a tragedy. This is a good point. 15/15

skater 277 said...

Yeah it was hard to recover from that, but we got another dog like four months after that and we felt better after